My Projects

Colmar Academy

This was done during my time learning HTML and CSS with the Generation Australia program. This is a project is provided by Codecademy to recreate a responsive page based on a wireframe which contains the positioning of the elements on a page without specifying any other design information.

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Task App

This task app was a group project that was completed during my time at Generation. I worked with 2 other members: Matthew and Rishitha, to create a fully funtional Task App which includes: adding task, deleting task, changing the status of tasks, saving task into local storage and filtering them.

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Weather App

This was done during my time learning JS in the 11th week with the Generation Australia program. The goal of this project is to create an app that uses to grab the current weather in a location of your choice.

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React Quest Board

A recreation of our group project "Task App" that was done at Generation by using React language. I decided to change the design to represent a quest board in video games.

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